The Freedom of Information (FOI) Act and the Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) give people a right of access to information held by public bodies, including Carterton Town Council, unless that information is subject to any of the exemptions specified by law.

FOI – You have the right to ask to see recorded information held by public authorities. The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act (FOISA) give you the right to see information. If you ask for environmental information, your request will be handled under the Environmental Regulations (EIRs) or Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations (EISRs). Environmental information includes things like carbon emissions or the environment’s effect on human health.

ICO- The Environmental Information Regulations 2004 provide public access to environmental information held by public authorities.

General Information

Authority: Carterton Town Council, Town Hall, Alvescot Road, Carterton, OX18 3JL Tel: 01993 842156
Responsible Officer: Town Clerk
Maintaining Officer: Town Clerk
Data Controller: Town Clerk

Information to be published and method of publication

Council Practice and Procedures

Town Council Meetings – Agendas and minutes are posted on the Town Hall noticeboard and on the website. Members of the public and press are invited to attend all meetings.

Other Standing Committees

Administration, Amenities & Economic Regeneration, Urgency, and Planning – Agendas and minutes are posted on the Town Hall noticeboard and on the website. Members of the public and press are invited to attend all meetings.

Acceptance of Office, Standing Orders, Councillors Code of Conduct, Register of Councillors Interests – Can all be inspected on this website or in the Town Hall by appointment.


The Annual Precept Figure – Published in the District Council leaflet, website, and on this website.

Annual Budgets in Summary Form – Can be inspected on this website or in the Town Hall by appointment.

Expenditure against Budget in Summary Form – Published quarterly in Council minutes.

Payments made to Contractors and Suppliers – Payments in excess of £500 published monthly on the website. All payments listed within the relevant meeting agendas and minutes.

Annual Accounts and Supporting Information, Financial Regulations Risk Assessment – Can all be inspected at the Town Hall by appointment. A copy of the Financial Regulations is on the website.


Summary lists of Planning Applications – Displayed on Town Hall noticeboard, in the library, on the District Council, and on the relevant meeting agenda and minutes.

Individual Planning Applications & Responses – The adopted and draft Local Plan – Can be inspected in the Town Hall by appointment and is available on this website, and the District Council website.

Health and Safety

Health and Safety Policy, Playground Inspection Reports – Can all be inspected in the Town Hall by appointment.

Archive Material

Byelaws, Minute Books, Burial/Cremation Registers, Leases and Deeds, Historic Maps, Photographs, etc – Can all be inspected in the Town Hall by appointment. A lot of the information is also available on this website.

Periodic Electoral Review

Documents on Last Electoral Review, Documents on the Last Boundary Change – Can all be inspected on the District Council website, in the Town Hall by appointment.


Terms and Conditions of Employment, Job Descriptions – Most information concerning staff is private and confidential and only made available to those who need it, for example, the Town Clerk who is responsible for staff.  Any information that can be made public can be inspected in the Town Hall by appointment.

Exempt Material

Personal information relating to Councillors (other than required to be declared in Registers of Interests). Personal information relating to employees. Tenders and bids from contractors and suppliers. Data Protection legislation prohibits the publication of certain categories of information.

Charging Policy

Information can be inspected, by appointment at the Town Hall free of charge. Information that can be photocopied without breaching copyright laws can be copied on the Town Hall’s photocopier at a cost of 10p per A4 sheet. A detailed search of records (for example the Burials Register or the Council Minutes) may be subject to a charge.

Review of Policy

This Policy was approved by Carterton Town Council at its meeting on 5 November 2002 and is reviewed regularly.

Note: Under Data Protection Legislation, the Council is required regularly to review the information that it keeps and to destroy that which does not form part of its official records. Residents wishing to inspect information are therefore requested to telephone the Town Hall to ensure that the information they require is still available.