Horizon Church (formerly Carterton Community Church)
Carterton Community Centre, Shilton Park, OX18 1AX
Contact: John Gridley
Tel: 07498 363835
Email: hello@horizonchurch.uk
Father’s Touch Victory Christian Fellowship
Father’s Touch Victory Christian Fellowship
Contact: Senior Pastor Blesson Vargis Kallimel
Tel: 01993 837025
Email: bifcpastor@gmail.com
Methodist Church (The Sanctuary)
Methodist Church (The Sanctuary), Burford Road, OX18 3AG
Contact: Reverend Ian Worrall
Tel: 01993 837647
Email: ian.worrall@methodist.org.uk
St. John the Evangelist Church
St John the Evangelist Church, 6 Burford Road, OX18 3AA
Contact: Reverend Drew Tweedy
Tel: 01993 846996
Email: office@stjohnschurch
St Joseph’s Catholic Church
St Joseph’s Catholic Church ,Arkell Avenue, Carterton, OX18 3BS.
Contact: Father Paul Smith
Tel: 01993 842463
Email: fr.paul.smith@rcaob.org.uk